
Early in the COVID-19 pandemic, anecdotal reports suggested that infusing very sick patients with the blood plasma of people who'd survived the disease might help boost outcomes. But new study findings, along with disappointing results from prior trials, suggest that those initial hopes may have been unfounded....

Americans who get a shot shouldn't be surprised if they feel under the weather for a few days afterwards, expert say. Vaccines work to fight disease by producing an immune response within the body. And sometimes that means flu-like symptoms, such as aches, headache and fever....

Three people share their experiences with the chronic condition and what they've learned about finding treatments that really help....

Older adults with memory problems may progress to Alzheimer's more quickly if they are also suffering from anxiety symptoms, a preliminary study suggests....

Vegans face a 43% higher risk for bone fractures than meat eaters, a large British study warns. The researchers also identified a notably higher risk for hip fractures among those who eat fish but no meat (pescatarians), and among vegetarians who swear off both meat and fish, but do consume dairy and/or eggs....